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Employés Tournée Zagreb©AntoineSaito

Why join up with the OSM?

Each day in the heart of Montreal’s cultural metropolis, a continually evolving orchestra comes alive, thanks to the dedication, creativity, and passion of its members who work in various capacities. The Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) is so much more than a musical ensemble: it is an institution devoted to lifting spirits, moving hearts, and building connections within its community.

There are several ways to be part of the extraordinary cultural organization that is the OSM: as a musician, an administrative personnel member, a chorister, or a volunteer. Whether you are an accomplished virtuoso or an eager amateur, there is a place for you in our large musical family!

The OSM embodies core values that lie at the heart of its societal mission. Excellence is our compass: we strive to stretch the frontiers of musical performance and artistic creativity.   Innovation guides each one of our initiatives, pushing us to constantly explore new avenues for sharing our music. Passion enlivens every note that we play, every project we initiate, every interaction we enjoy with our public. And finally, generosity is the foundation of our engagement in the community; it moves us to share the benefits of music ever more widely, with people of all ages and of all cultural and social backgrounds.     

Being part of the OSM team is far more than a job or a volunteer commitment. It’s an opportunity to contribute to something greater than the sum of individuals, to leave a lasting imprint on the fabric of our city and of our society. It’s being part of a family known for its passion and dedication, in which every voice counts and every talent is celebrated.

Be part of our institution of excellence, innovation, passion, and generosity. Let us together make music resound in the heart of our city and beyond, for present and future generations.

Bienvenue à l’Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal. Bienvenue chez vous.

Join the OSM Chorus —Who oversees the Chorus?

To sing in the OSM’s professional Chorus, you must be a member of the Union des Artistes (UDA).
Non-members of the UDA may sing in the amateur chorus (approximately one production per year).

People interested in auditioning for either chorus should contact us by email at

Volunteer association

Enjoy a rewarding experience by getting involved with the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal’s Volunteer Association (OSMVA). Volunteers contribute to the OSM’s mission through promoting and supporting our activities with the public. It’s also a chance to meet artists, take part in special activities, and share music widely throughout our community. Join us for an unforgettable experience at the very heart of the Orchestra’s action! To know more about volunteering, contact the OSM Volunteer Association.

For more information, call 514 840-7400 #7439 and leave us your contact information (phone number, e-mail address) or send an e-mail to

To become a member of the Association, you must pay an annual fee of $40.